Noppawan Phumala Morales

นพวรรณ ภู่มาลา มอราเลส

Chairperson and Ph.D. Program Director
Associate Professor
  • B.Sc. (Chemistry, First-Class Honour) Mahidol University, Thailand
  • M.Sc. (Pharmacology) Mahidol University, Thailand
  • Ph.D. (Pharmaceutical Science) Kyushu University, Japan
Current Research
  • Research in iron-induced oxidative stress and free radical reactions
  • Application of electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy in biology and medicine
  • Morales NP*, Rodrat S, Piromkraipak P, Yamanont P, Paiboonsukwong K, Fucharoen S. Iron chelation therapy with deferiprone improves oxidative status and red blood cell quality and reduces redox-active iron in β-thalassemia/hemoglobin E patients. Biomed Pharmacother 2022 Jan;145:112381.
  • Thammarakcharoen F, Srion  A, Chokevivat W, Hemstapat R, Morales NP, and Suwanprateeb J. Development of Polycaprolactone Infiltrated Anti-Tuberculosis Drug-Loaded 3D-Printed Hydroxyapatite for Localized and Sustained Drug Release in Bone and Joint Tuberculosis TreatmentChiang Mai J. Sci. 2022; 49(1) : 105-121
  • Chaniad P, Morales NP, Rojsitthisak P, Luechapudiporn R*. Effects of turmeric extract on hemin-induced low-density lipoprotein oxidation. J Food Biochem 2018 Jun;42(3):e12507.
  • Saitawee D, Teerakapong A, Morales NP, Jitprasertwong P, Hormdee D*. Photodynamic therapy of Curcuma longa extract stimulated with blue light against Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans. Photodiagn Photodyn Ther 2018 Jun;22:101-5.
  • Dieng H*, Satho T, Meli NKKB, Abang F, Nolasco-Hipolito C, Hakim H, Miake F, Zuharah WF, Kassim NFA, Ab Majid AH, Morales Vargas RE, Morales NP, Noweg GT. Occurrence of sweet refuse at disposal sites: rainwater retention capacity and potential breeding opportunities for Aedes aegypti. Environ Sci Pollut Res 2018 May;25(14):13833-43.
  • Teerakapong A*, Damrongrungruang T, Sattayut S, Morales NP, Sangpanya A, Tanapoomchai M. Fungicidal effect of combined nano TiO2 with erythrosine for mediated photodynamic therapy on Candida albicans: an in vitro study. Lasers Dent Sci 2017 Dec;1(2-4):101-6.
  • Suwanprinya L, Morales NP, Sanvarinda P, Dieng H, Okabayashi T, Enrique Morales Vargas R*. Dengue virus-induced reactive oxygen species production in rat microglial cells. Jpn J Infect Dis 2017 Jul;70(4):383-387.
  • Dieng H*, Ellias SB, Satho T, Ahmad A, Abang F, Abd Ghani I, Noor S, Ahmad H, Zuharah WF, Vargas REM, Morales NP, Hipolito CN, Attrapadung S, Noweg GT. Coffee, its roasted form, and their residues cause birth failure and shorten lifespan in dengue vectors. Environ Sci Pollut Res 2017 Jun;24(17):14782-94.
  • Dieng H*, Satho T, Abang F, Meli NK, Ghani IA, Nolasco-Hipolito C, Hakim H, Miake F, Ahmad AH, Noor S, Zuharah WF, Ahmad H, Majid AH, Morales Vargas RE, Morales NP, Attrapadung S, Noweg GT. Sweet waste extract uptake by a mosquito vector: Survival, biting, fecundity responses, and potential epidemiological significance. Acta Trop 2017 May;169:84-92
  • Pham PP, Morales NP, Pitaksuteepong T, Hemstapat W.Antioxidant activity of mulberry stem extract: Apotential used as supplement for oxidative stress-related diseases. Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. 39(3), 407-414, May-Jun.2017
  • Klaihmon P, Phongpao K, Kheansaard W, Noulsri E, Khuhapinant A, Fucharoen S, Morales NP, Svasti S, Pattanapanyasat K*, Chaichompoo P*. Microparticles from splenectomized β-thalassemia/HbE patients play roles on procoagulant activities with thrombotic potential. Ann Hematol 2017 Feb;96(2):189-98.
  • Kabploy K, Bunyapraphatsara N, Morales NP, Paraksa N*. Effect of antibiotic growth promoters on anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory activities in broiler chickens. Thai J Vet Med 2016;46(1):89-95.
  • Yatmark P, Morales NP, Chaisri U, Wichaiyo S, Hemstapat W, Srichairatanakool S, Svasti S, Fucharoen S. Iron distribution and histopathological study of the effects of deferoxamine and deferiprone in the kidneys of iron overloaded β-thalassemic mice. Exp Toxicol Pathol. 2016 Jul 8. pii: S0940-2993(16)30079-3. doi:0.1016/j.etp.2016.06.006. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Khunakornvichaya A, Lekmeechai S, Pham PP, Himakoun W, Pitaksuteepong T, Morales NP, Hemstapat W.  Morus alba L. stem extract attenuates pain and articular cartilage dmage in the anterior cruciate ligament transection-induced rat model of osteoarthritis. Pharmacology. 2016 Jul 6;98(5-6):209-216. DOI: 10.1159/000447973 [Epub ahead of print]
  • Dieng H, Tan Yusop NS, Kamal NN, Ahmad AH, Ghani IA, Abang F, Satho T, Ahmad H, Zuharah WF, Majid AH, Morales RE, Morales NP, Hipolito CN, Noweg GT. Exposure of a dengue vector to tea and its waste: survival, developmental consequences, and significance for pest management. J Agric Food Chem 2016; 64: 3485-91.
  • Kabploy K, Bunyapraphatsara N, Morales NP, Paraksa N. Effect of antibiotic growth promoters on anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory activity in broiler chickens. Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine 2016; 46: 89-59.
  • Morales NP*, Sirijaroonwong S, Yamanont P, Phisalaphong C. Electron paramagnetic resonance study of free radical scavenging activity of curcumin its demethoxy and hydrogenated derivatives. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 2015; 38: 1478-1483.
  • Yatmark P, Morales NP*, Chaisri U, Wichaiyo S, Hemstapat W, Srichairatanakool S, Svasti S, Fucharoen S. Effect of iron chelators on pulmonary iron overload and oxidative stress in b-thalassemic mice. Pharmacology 2015; 96: 192-199.
  • Kabploy K, Bunyapraphatsara N, Morales NP, Paraksa N. Study of free radical scavenging activity of growth promoters flavophospholipol and avilamycin. Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine 2015; 45: 389-398.
  • Phanthong P, Morales NP, Chancharunee S, Mangmool S, Annantachoke N, Bunyapraphatsara N. Biological activity of Dolichandrone serrulata flowers and their active components. Natural Product Communications 2015; 8: 1387-1390.
  • Wichaiyo S, Yatmark P, Vargas REM, Savarinda P, Svasti S, Fucharoen S, Morales NP*. Effect of iron overload on furin expression in wild-type and b-thalassemic mice. Toxicology Reports 2015; 2: 415-422.
  • Choengchan N, Mantim T, Inpota P, Nacapricha D, Wilairat P, Jittangprasert P, Waiyawat W, Fucharoen S, Sirankpracha P, Morales, NP. Tandam measurement of iron and creatinine by cross injection analysis with application to urine from thalassemic patients. Talanta 2015; 133:52-58.
  • Yatmark P, Morales NP*, Chaisri U, Wichaiyo S, Hemstapat W, Srichairatanakool S, Svasti S, Fucharoen S. Iron distribution and histophatological characterization of the liver and heart of b-thalassemic mice with parenteral iron overload: effects of deferoxamine and deferiprone. Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 2014; 66:333-343.
  • Meesarapee B, Thampithak A, Jaisin Y, Savarinda P, Suksamrarn A, Tuchinda P, Morales NP, Savarinda Y. Curcumin I mediates neuropotective effect though attenuation of quinoprotein formation, p-p38 MAPK expression, and caspase-3 activation in 6-hydroxydopamine treated SH-SY5Y cells. Phytotherapy Research 2014; 28:611-616.
  • Angthong C, Morales NP, Sutipornpalangkul W, Khadsongkram A, Pinsornsak, Pongcharoen B. Can levels of antioxidants in synovial fliuid predict the severity of primary knee osteoarthritis: a preliminary study. SpingerPlus 2013; 2:652.
  • Vargas REM, Morales NP, Tsunoda T, Apiwanthnasorn A, Dujardin JP. The phonetic structure of Aedes albopictus. Infection, Genetic and Evolution. 2013; 13: 252-251.
  • Rodrat S, Yamanont P, Tankanitlert J, Chantraraksri U, Fucharoen S, Morales NP*. Comparison of phrmacokinetics and urinary iron excretion of two single doses of deferiprone in b-thalassemia/hemoglobin E patients. Pharmacology 2012; 90: 88-94.
  • Morales NP*, Yamaguchi Y, Murakami K, Kosem N, Utsumi H. Hepatic reduction of carbamoyl-PROXYL in ferric nitrilotriacetate induced iron overloaded mice: an in vivo ESR study. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 2012; 35: 1035-1040.
  • Kosem N, Naganuma T, Ichikawa K, Morales NP, Yasukawa K, Hyodo F, Yamada K, Utsumi H. Whole body kinetic image of a redox probe in mice using Overhauser-enhanced MRI. Free Radical in Biological and Medicine 2012; 53: 328-336.
  • Sutipornpalangkul W, Morales NP, Unchern S, Sanvarinda Y, Chantharaksri U, Fucharoen. Vitamin E supplement improves erythrocyte membrane fluidity of thalassemia: an ESR spin labeling study. Journal of Medical Association of Thailand 2012; 95: 29-36.
  • Tankanitlert J, Yamanont P, Inthong T, Wilairat P, Fucharoen S, Morales NP. Pharmacokinetics of propranolol in b-thalassemia/Hb E. Research Journal of Pharmacology 2011; 5: 77-82.
  • Sinchai T, Plasen S, Sanvarinda Y, Jaisin Y, Govitrapong P, Morales NP, Ratanachammnong P, Plasen D. Caffeine potentiates methamphetamine induced-toxicity both in vitro and in vivo. Neuroscience Letter 2011; 502: 65-69.
  • Saeaue L, Morales NP, Komalamisra N, Vargas REM. Antioxidantive systems defense against oxidative stress induced by blood meal in Aedes Aegypti. Southeast Asian Journal Tropical Medicine and Public Health 2011; 42: 542-549.
  • Jaisin Y, Thampithak A, Meesarapee B, Ratanachamnong P, Suksamrarn A, Phivthong-ngam L, Morales NP, Chongthammakun S, Govitrapong P, Sanvarinda Y. Curcumin I protects the dopaminergic cell line SH-SYSY from 6-hydroxydopamine induced neurotoxicity through attenuation of p-53-mediated apoptosis. Neuroscience Letter 2011; 489: 192-196.
  • Limenta LMG, Jirasomprasert T, Tankanitlert J, Jittangpresert P, Wilairat P, Chantharaksri U, Fucharoen S, Morales NP*. Pharmacokinetics of deferiprone in b -thalassemia/Hb E patients; Impact of splenectomy and iron status. Clinical Pharmacokinetics 2011; 50 :41-50.
  • Malisorn N., Morales NP., Sanvarinda Y., Wanikiat P. 17β-estradiol attenuates LPS-induced interleukin-8 production by human peripheral blood monocytes through estrogen receptor-α activation. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2010; 4: 806-810.
  • Vargas REM, Ya-umphan P, Morales NP, Komalamisara N, Dujardin J. Climate associated site and shape changes in Ades aegypti (Diptera Culicidae) from Thailand. Infection, Genetic and Evolution. 2010; 10: 580-585.
  • Sutipornpalangkul W, Morales NP, Charoencholvanich K, Harnroongoj T. Lipid peroxidation, glutathione, vitamin E and antioxidant enzymes in synovial fluid from patients with osteoarthritis. International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases 2009; 12: 234-238.
  • Sutipornpalangkul W, Morales NP, Harnroongroj T. Free radicals in primary knee osteoarthritis (review). Journal of Medical Association of Thailand 2009; 92 Suppl 6: S268-74.
  • Jirasomprasert T, Morales NP*, Limenta LMG, Sirijaroonwong S, Yamanont P, Wilairat P, Fucharoen S, Chantharaksri U. Pharmaco/ferrokinetic-related pro-oxidant activity of deferiprone in b-thalassemia. Free Radical Research 2009; 43: 485-491. IF 2.95
  • Morales NP*, Limenta LMG, Yamanont P, Jirasomprasert T, Wilairat P, Chantharaksri U, Chancharunee S, Fucharoen S. Bioequivalence study of film-coated tablet of deferiprone in healthy Thai volunteers. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2009; 47: 358-364. IF 1.361
  • Limenta LMG, Jirasomprasert T, Tankanitlert J, Svasti S, Wilairat P, Chantharaksri U, Fucharoen S, Morales NP*. UGT1A6 genotype-related pharamacokinetics of deferiprone (L1) in healthy volunteers. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2008; 65: 908-916. IF 2.718
  • Sroirsya S, Triampo W, Morales NP, Triampo D. Kinetics and mechnanism of hydroxyl radical formation studied via electron spin resonance for photocatalytic nanocrystalline titania: Effect of particle size distribution, concentration and agglomeration. Journal Ceramic Processing Research 2008; 9: 146-154. IF 0.534
  • Chumark P, Khunawat P, Sanvarinda Y, Phornchirasilp S, Morales NP, Phivthong-ngam L, Ratanachamnong P, Srisawat S, Pongrapeeporn KS. The in vitro and ex vivo antioxidant properties, hydrolipidaemic and antiatherosclerotic activities of water extract of Moringa oleifera Lam. leaves. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2008; 116: 439-446. IF 1.625
  • Tankanitlert J, Morales NP, Fucharoen P, Fucharoen S, Chantharaksri U. Association between promoter and coding region mutations of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 and b-thalassemia/Hb E with cholelithiasis. European Journal of Haematology 2008; 80: 351-5. IF 1.863
  • Morales NP*, Cherlermchoung C, Fucharoen S, Chantharaksri U. Paraoxonase and platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase activities in lipoproteins of b -thalassemia/hemoglobin E patients. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 2007; 45: 884-9. IF 1.725
  • Tankanitlert J, Morales NP, Howard TA, Fucharoen P, Ware RE, Fucharoen S, Chantharaksri U. Effect of combined UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) 1A1*2 and 1A6*2 on paracetamol pharmacokinetics in b -thalassemia/Hb E. Pharmacology 2007; 79: 97-103. IF 1.240
  • Poorichay P, Phisalapong C, Nakornchai S, Unchern S, Morales NP*. Comparative antioxidant activities of curcumin and its demethoxy and hydrogenated derivatives. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 2007; 30: 74-78. IF 1.522
  • Morales NP*, Cherlermchoung C, Luechapudipora R, Yamanont P, Fucharoen S, Chantharaksri, U. Lipid fluidity at different regions in LDL and HDL of b -thalassemia/Hb E patients. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2006; 350: 698-703. IF 2.855
  • Tankanilert J, Howard TA, Temsakulphong A, Sirankapracha P, Morales NP, Sanvarinda Y, Fucharoen P, Ware RE, Fucharoen S, Chantharaksri, U. A Pharmacokinetic study of paracetamol in Thai b -thalassemia/Hb E patients. European Journal of Pharmacology 2006; 62: 743-748. IF 2.522
  • Luechapudipora R, Morales NP, Fucharoen S, Chantharaksri U. The reduction of cholesteryl linoleate in lipoproteins; an index of clinical severity in b-thalassemia/Hb E. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 2006; 44: 574-581. IF 1.725
  • Hirunpanich V, Utaipat A, Morales NP, Bunyapraphatsara N, Sato H, Herunsalee A, Suthisisang C. Hypocholesterolemic and antioxidant effects of aqueous extracts from the dried calyx of Hisbiscus sabdariffa L. in hypocholesterolemic rats. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2006; 103: 252-260. IF 1.625
  • Hirunpanich V, Utaipat A, Morales NP, Bunyapraphatsara N, Sato H, Herunsalee A, Suthisisang C. Antioxidant effects of aqueous extraction from dried calyx of Hisbiscus sabdariffa Linn. (Roselle) in vitro using rat low-density lipoprotein (LDL). Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 2005; 28 (3): 481-484. IF 1.522
  • Unchern S, Laoharuangpanya N, Phumala N, Sipankapracha P, Pootrakul P, Fucharoen S, Wanachivanawin W, Chantharaksri U. The effects of vitamin E on platelet activity in b-thalassemia patients. British Journal of Haematology 2003; 123: 738-744. IF 4.498
  • Phumala N*, Porasuphatana S, Unchern S, Pootrakul P, Fucharoen S, Chantharaksri U. Hemin: A possible cause of oxidative stress in blood circulation of b-thalassemia/Hemoglobin E disease. Free Radical Research 2003; 37:129-135. IF 2.95
  • Phumala N, Ide T. Utsumi H. Noninvasive evaluation of in vivo free radical reactions catalyzed by iron using in vivo ESR spectroscopy. Free Radical in Biological and Medicine 1999; 26; 1209-1217.




  • นวลจันทร์ พารักษา, ทวีศักดิ์ ส่งเสริม, ประพันธ์ ส่งเสริม, สิรินทร์พร สินธุวณิชย์, ศักดิ์ชัย วิทยาอารีย์กุล, นพวรรณ ภู่มาลา มอราลิส, ทัศนา พิทักษ์สุธีพงศ์, อนันต์ อุ่นอรุณ, อโณทัย ตั้งสำราญจิต, อุทัย วิชัย. อาหารสำหรับสัตว์ปีกและสุกร. สิทธิบัตรประเทศไทย พ.ศ. 2552.
  • Paraska Nuanchan, Songsaem Taweesak, Songsaem Ompraphan, Sindhuvanich Sirinporn, Wittaya areekul Sakchai, Phumala Morales Noppawan,Pitaksuteepong Tasana, Ounarun Anan,Tangsumranjit Anothai, Wichai Uthai: FEED FOR POULTRY AND SWINE,GEFLÜGEL- UND SCHWEINEFUTTER, ALIMENT POUR VOLAILLES ET PORCS. THAILAND RES FUND, KASETSART UNIVERSITY, BETTER PHARMA, AXIS IP HOLDING May 11, 2011: EP2317871-A1 – – Feed for poultry and swine.
  • Paraska Nuanchan, Songsaem Taweesak, Songsaem Ompraphan, Sindhuvanich Sirinporn, Wittaya areekul Sakchai, Phumala Morales Noppawan, Pitaksuteepong Tasana, Ounarun Anan,Tangsumranjit Anothai, Wichai Uthai: Feed for poultry and swine. Thailand Res Fund, Kasetsart University, Better Pharma, Axis IP HoldingSeptember 28, 2011: CN200880130704
  • Paraska Nuanchan, Songsaem Taweesak, Songsaem Ompraphan, Sindhuvanich Sirinporn, Wittaya areekul Sakchai, Phumala Morales Noppawan,Pitaksuteepong Tasana, Ounarun Anan,Tangsumranjit Anothai, Wichai Uthai: FEED FOR POULTRY AND SWINE,GEFLÜGEL- UND SCHWEINEFUTTER, ALIMENT POUR VOLAILLES ET PORCS. THAILAND RES FUND, KASETSART UNIVERSITY, BETTER PHARMA, AXIS IP HOLDING Oct 2, 2013: EP2317871-A4 – Feed for poultry and swine.