About us

This department was established in 1968 (B.E.2511) with a financial boost from the Rockefeller Foundation, New York. Its main obligations are to teach pharmacology to both medical and nursing students as well as to produce graduate students leading to both M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree.

At present, there are 13 academic staff members whose academic training were in the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, Australia and Thailand. There are 2 scientists and 2 administrative officers working together as supporting staff. Regarding the education at undergraduate level, our department provides teaching for 1st and 2nd year medical students in collaboration with other life science departments, and Basic Pharmacology for 2nd year nursing students. There are 2 graduate programs, for M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Pharmacology. Our academic staff members have long been appointed as expert, consultant, committee member, invited lecturer for governmental institutes, governmental and private universities.

Up to the present time, more than 200 graduates with either M.Sc. or Ph.D. degree have been graduated from this department. The graduates also include those from Asian countries. They all returned home after completion of their degree program and now many of them play important academic and administrative roles in their countries. As for the Thai graduates, many of them work all over the country in the universities, research institutes, and governmental agencies, such as FDA.

The following individuals have served as Chairman of the department since it’s founding:

Noppawan Phumala Morales, Ph.D. (Present Chairperson)

Darawan Pinthong, Ph.D. B.E. 2560-2568

Supeenun Unchern, Ph.D. B.E. 2552 - 2560

Yupin Sanvarinda, Ph.D. B.E. 2543- 2552

Udom Chantharaksri, Ph.D. B.E. 2539-2543

Amnuay Thithapandha, Ph.D. B.E. 2535-2539

Jutamaad Satayavivad, Ph.D. B.E. 2531-2535

Kampon Sriwatanakul, M.D., Ph.D. B.E. 2527-2531

Chiravat Sadavongvivad, Ph.D. B.E. 2517-2527

Albert S. Kuperman, Ph.D. (First Chairman) B.E. 2511-2517